All mums would like their children to be sorted with regards to independency / job security, once they leave school.
The world of work has changed extensively over the last couple of years. It’s definitely not a given that our children will find a job when they acquire their degree, much less when they leave Grade 12. Especially in South Africa, that has a youth unemployment rate of 50%. Therefore it’s of great importance in today’s world, to teach our children entrepreneurship.
There’s never been a more important time than now to encourage entrepreneurial thinking in our youth and to create awareness of entrepreneurship as a very attractive career choice.
Children are born imaginative and willing to take on new challenges. Research has shown that this innovative spirit of children declines dramatically over time and will be almost non-existent by the time they finish school.
It is of utmost importance to teach & cultivate entrepreneurial skills from an early age, even as young as 4 years old. I fully agree with Professor Albert Shapiro from Ohio State University that “Entrepreneurs are not ‘born’… rather they ‘become’ through the experiences of their lives.”
Just a couple of reasons why Entrepreneurship education is great for our children:
- Teach kids about money & money management – everybody should be financially literate, because it will determine your financial practices in adulthood;
- Teach business skills, develop business literacy and give perspective on business;
- Stimulate creativity & encourage experimentation;
- Build motivation, confidence and resilience;
- Teach interpersonal skills and teamwork;
- Teach life and workplace readiness skills;
- Foster initiative & responsibility;
- Bring out the best in every child;
- Inspire & change lives;
- Kids exposed to entrepreneurship frequently express that they have more opportunity to exercise creative freedom and initiative, have higher self-esteem, and an overall greater sense of control over their own lives.
Entrepreneurship education teaches skills that are essential in the 21st century job market!
Pauline Nel – owner of Young Entrepreneurs (Durbanville):
Pauline is a MomPreneur in every sense of the word – the mother of 2 lovely daughters (6 and 4 years old), wife to a very supportive hubby and owner of two businesses.
For residents of the Durbanville area in South Africa, Pauline will be facilitating a Practical Parent workshop on how to raise money- smart kids on the 21’st of November 2015. See ad below for more details!
It is the future of our kids