Have you sent your letters to Santa yet? Time is running out so print these now!!
After a few years of being cynical about the money making machine Christmas can be, I’m back to liking it again maybe just a little bit too much. I feel like a little kid again and all the cynical ideas I had which I wrote about in THIS POST are gone. Poof!
We are building precious memories with our children and I strongly believe that God is bigger than what ever evil used to lurk in a dead Christmas decoration. Yes, Jesus is the main reason for the season and Children should know that and He should be largely worshiped in that period but that’s something you focus on, on a more spiritual way. With it we enjoy and celebrate and I think Jesus loves how big the world makes Christmas.
Done. I said it and I won’t again!
So, my son keeps on asking for Lego’s and since we are not into just buying whatever they want, and its going to take him till next Christmas to save up for it I decided to Do a “Dear Santa” printable. Sure there are loads on the internet but none of them Afrikaans so I made it myself as usual… and of course I helped you English beauties out a little as well.
Younger kids can draw their wishes!
My son can’t write yet so I designed an open A4 paper for him to draw his wishes on. I also designed two colors so I can put two on one A4 for older kids that can write so you only have to print one page for two kids.
Here they are. Click on the images to download. Enjoy!
A4 Portrait separate Green and Red
A4 Landscape both on one page
A4 Portret Groen en Rooi apart
A4 Landskap altwee op een bladsy